Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Blessing of the Oysters

A dozen of us met at church for a blessing of the oysters - we gathered with song and then headed to the end of Store Rd. to the site of our neighborhood oyster sanctuary. Len Zuza brought out a cage of oysters that were ready to be blessed and "planted" or added to the existing reef.
After a prayer that these oysters may be fruitful and multiply, that they may provide habitat and clean our water, each child got to toss an oyster in to the creek.
Two of the older kids got to row out in a dingy with Len to the floating dock where the majority of the oysters were strewn. The big excitement of the project was that we discovered the mud crabs who live in the oysters - unlike large blue crabs, these tiny guys don't pinch when picked up. Thanks to Len for taking time to introduce us to this amazing mollusk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a long time resident of the Olivet community and a "cradle Methodist", I cannot thank you enough for your involvement in and commitment to the community, our creeks, and our oysters.