The Washington Times, published the results of a survey in September, that reported HALF OF AMERICANS BELIEVE in ANGELS.Even the researchers were surprised at that!
Jesus himself said that evey child has an angel on their behalf, the Creation story describes how God created the angels at the time of creating heaven. Angels show up all through out the bible. And they show up, I've noticed, thoughout our lives.
My angel story happened after a worship service a few years ago, on Christmas Day. That particula Christmas, we didn’t have snow, but instead it rained. I was suprised that as many came to church for on such a cold, rainy morning, but there were maybe 20 or 30 of us in the church. While we worshipped, the temperature dropped outside. By the time we left to go home, the parking lot and sidewalks were covered in ice.
I was standing in the sanctuary, when someone ran in from outside to tell me there was an accident. A woman had fallen on the ice. Quickly, I ran out and found her laying on the cold wet cement, with sleet pouring down on her. I took off my robe, and held it above her like an umbrella. She was writhing in pain. Her family gathered around her, and it was then that I learned that her knee had been replacement within the year.. and so we don't know if her knee gave out or if she simply slipped. Either way, everyone was anxious for the ambulance to arrive.
The woman and I began to pray, and I held her hand as we waited.
Suddenly, a young man walked out of the church and came over to us. I had never seen him before. I didn't recognize him from the morning worship service. And he came up and said that he was a doctor. He told her to remain as still as she could. and he stabilized her legs. Rain poured down on him, and we offered to cover him with choir robes - as some folks had just ran in to grab choir robes to keep her warm and dry. He didn't seem to care about himself. He was focused on her.
You know how in that type of situation, how you don't even question certain things? I never asked him his name, as he squatted alongside with me. The ambulance came, they moved her into it carefuly... and I never saw him after that. I never saw him leave. I never asked his name. He was there and gone before we knew it.
In the movie, Angels in the Outfield, there is a classic line which echos my belief in angels, "The footprints of an angel are love, and where there is love, miraculous things can happen. I've seen it."
Sorry I missed this sermon!
The song by the group Alabama tell of angels. It is called Angels Among Us. It is one of my favorite songs.
There are angels all around us. I have read about angels in "His Mysterious Ways" in the Guideposts magazine, but this is the first instance of a first hand experience. These acts of love and caring are called "Angels without Wings."
It is pretty amazing that Gog sends someone just when you need him/her. He works in amazing ways.
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