Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter - Expecting God to Show Up & Show Off

A mother of two young children showed me her digital photos: sweet little kids dressed up, holding decorated baskets in their backyard Easter Egg hunt. “Adorable”, I say. “Well, they were both sick on Easter, so we had to wait a whole week to celebrate. We took these pictures yesterday!” I smile at how joyful it is for a child to have Easter any day no matter what the calendar says.
Most calendars mark a single day as “Easter”, yet, technically, the church considers Easter a season of fifty days.  The burst of joy on the first Sunday gets the most attention: sunrise services, musical cantatas, lilies and egg hunts.. but that first Sunday is just one of six Sundays that build upon one another with stories of Jesus appearances after the crucifixion. The Great Fifty Days culminates with the fortieth day where Jesus ascends and the fiftieth day where the Holy Spirit enters the room as tongues of fire on Pentecost.
Throughout the fifty days, the resurrected Christ “shows up and shows off.” Once betrayed and forsaken, he now returns with forgiveness and peace. Once denied by his disciples, he returns to restore and reconcile. Once suffering and dead, he now appears to show his wounds and show his life.
Looking at the calendar, I realize that my remaining times as pastor of Olivet coincides with the liturgical calendar so that my farewell Sunday will be on Pentecost. As I complete this appointment, I invite us to reflect on the many ways God has showed up and shown off for us over the years. In our time of need, we have received many blessing. In our times of strained relationships, we have received reconciliation. In our times of mourning, we have been carried into new life.
Right now we are getting ready for the rummage sale / bake sale /collecting clothes for kids to go to West River Camp. We have an enormous goal of 2,000 pounds to pay for one campership. It’s hard to comprehend that much clothing, blankets, purses and shoes. But as followers of the risen Christ, during this season of Easter, may we be people who expect God to “show up and show off.”

Thursday, January 30, 2014

More Churches Join God Squad 2014

God Squad Mission Update
In the last 2 years, Olivet has led the way in intergenerational, cross-cultural, team-based ministry for the local church that helps us realize the biblical truth of how God meets us as stranger and surprises us with Grace. Last year, we widened to urban and rural ministry as we formed a new partnership with McKendree Simms Brookland UMC. The news of God Squad has spread, attracting more churches!  This year the squad will be widened to include a church in Columbus, Ohio (St. Lukes UMC), as well as DC churches such as Foundry, Community UMC and more!

When we go to  ROCK in Ocean City, the God Squad churches will meet for a  God Squad "Meet & Greet & Eat" - as of writing this, we are expecting 5 churches and possibly more than 80 students to participate in this Saturday afternoon between sessions!  In this group gathering, the students will build on the ROCK Theme of 1 John 4:8 which conveys  that “God Loves Us and we are to Love each Other with the same forgiveness and openness." We know that love  is easy with people you know - but what about people you DON"T know? Our kids will be paired with a kid that they do not know for an activity that is sure to be fun.

At the apartment of Eunice Butler in 2012
God Squad Ministry reminds us that faith is not just an intellectual decision, it is not just treating people nice. and it is not just loving God. A mature, balanced faith is both loving & believing in  God (a vertical line)  and loving and serving others (a horizontal line) Notice that this forms the shape of The Cross! Our vertical relationship with God is always tied to tied to the horizontal relationship of how people love and treat each other. The God Squad Ministry is about living this out. We grow in faith when we seek out loving others far and wide with God's love that is deep and far-reaching.

This March, 10 persons from St. Lukes UMC in Columbus Ohio are coming to DC and Southern Maryland for a replica experience of what we did last summer. They are staying in the parsonage of Mc
DC urban gardening in summer 2013 
Kendree Church just like we did. Then they are traveling to Lusby for local mission experiences on the water. They are staying at the recently renovated Cove Point Light house! Our youth will work with them during the Tuesday pilgrimage March 25. Following their visit, they are inviting Olivet to come to Ohio for a mission experience in their church from June 22 - 27. All ages are welcome to participate in this trip and if you are interested in being a part of the planning team, please contact me!

God Squad is also returning to McKendree-Simms-Brookland during the dates of July 6-11. Our time together in Ocean City will include time for the youth to plan this mission trip as well.

Prayers of gratitude for the way that Jesus loves His Church and calls us into ministry together! Thanks be to God!