Gift Basket Ministry - Pouring Out God's Love for Others
It began with the question, "What more can we do to show God's love?"
How many times have you been praying for a person or family - and after sending cards, lifting their names in prayer at worship, you just want to express in more ways how much God loves them? And how much the church loves them too!
This happened on two separate occasions this month - when several church members finally came up with an expression of God's love that could be tailored just for the person. "Let's put together a gift basket with tokens of love (the prayer cloths, the pocket crosses, for instance) from Olivet."
In March, two families going through difficult times became the recipient of these unique Olivet baskets filled handmade crafts, prayer blankets, gift items and more. Each basket was prayerfully put together as people in the church were invited to contribute an item. We recieved an outpouring of items - girl scout cookies, hamemade prayer cloths, candies, Olivet pocket crosses, inspirational refrigerator magents, kids bubbles, toys, blankets, lotion and more.
Would you like to take part in this outreach?
We would love to see it continue! Here is how you can get involved.
(1) Be a Contributor on Call - tell the church office secretary Bonnie that you would like to be called upon when a basket is being created. You will be told to pray for the persons and invited to give an item of your choice, bringing it in to the church.
(2) Provide a Basket - Do you have baskets that you would like to donate for this ministry. Bring it to the church so we can use them for future occasions.
(3) Provide gifts - Do you do a particular craft that might be nice to include? Or have gift items in your home that might be nice to include in a gift basket? Handmade items, new gifts, tea towels, or other non perishables can be brought to the church office.
(4) Name a Recipient - Do you know someone who needs to be showered with love and care? We have had so much joy putting these together, we would love to assemble more baskets - all we ask is that deliver it yourself on behalf of the church. Every basket will include a handwritted letter from the pastor ion behalf of your congregation.
Thanks to Food Lion for their recent contribution of $20 Food Cards - this was included in the recent gift basket for a local family in need.
We’re not ashamed to have this confidence, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5