The Christmas Cards have begun to arrive and there are so many beautiful ones. Funny ones, retro ones, quirky ones, and ones with photos I haven't seen since their last Christmas card. I love getting reconnected this time of year. As a kid, when cards arrived, we hung them around the door frame to enjoy the pictures. But when it comes time to taking these Christmas Cards down, along with the tree and other decorations, it never feels right to just toss them, does it?
I heard of a great solution to this dillema. Someone told me that they keep the Christmas Cards "out" all year round. They display them at Christmas and then when the season is over, they place them in a bowl (or a basket or something) on their kitchen table. Each morning, for the rest of the year, this bowl of Christmas Cards becomes the centerpiece of their morning devotions. They randomly pull out a card, read the message, and pray for that particular family.
I thought that was the coolest idea I have heard of - and just wanted to share it with you.
Note: i can't remember who told me about this, so if it is you - please share more about how this tradition got started. I love it and may have to start it at my house! Also, the photo is from a designer named Chris Tyre. check out Chris Tyre's creativity.