I decided to keep a blog because there is just too many wonderful things happening - and I don't want to forget any of them
I just moved to Calvert County from Washington, DC and it is amazing to me how this area is so peaceful, compared to NE DC - where sitting out on the front porch of my house meant watching the ambulances speed toward the Hospital Center. My daughter used to get such joy out of pointing up toward the life-flight helicopters overhead. Now that we have moved to Calvert County, we spend our outdoor time together in relative silence.
This morning we discovered a few blue crabs have a hiding place under the boardwalk by our house. They were wiggling around and that delighted both of us.
Living on the Chesapeake Bay, I get to teach this pre-schooler so many things besides "Don't Touch The Crack Bag" which was our usual lesson in DC. Today, we sat down on the dock and sang to the morning sky. Oh, we could have sang Dock of the Bay, I suppose, but we sang He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. We used to sing it in DC - and I just don't want to forget that even though God feels closer here (surrounded by his majestic beautiful creation).. he really does have the whole world in his hands..