Tuesday, December 28, 2010

If Christmas is a Mess..

Weeks ago, my daughter and I were singing along to the Christmas music that was playing outside a shopping area. She enjoys all those overplayed classics, like Frosty the Snowman or Santa Claus is Coming to Town.. because for her they are fresh and new. As we both sang along, I heard her continue “He’s making a mess, he’s checking it twice!” We both looked at each other. And she said, “Mommy, Why is Santa making a mess?”
If Santa is the one to blame for initiating the tradition of gift-giving which has grown into today’s frenzied shopping, then my daughter is right – Santa has made a mess of Christmas.*

Christmas, however, has always been messy. We may like to remember it as the Silent, Holy Night.. but Jesus was born in a noisy, preoccupied, and crowded town of Bethlehem. If, today, we become discouraged by the competing factors of commercialization at the holidays, it is important we remember that the first Christmas had it’s own set of challenges. Royal decrees, traffic jams as people traveled for the census, and stressed-out innkeepers all made for a less than holy first Christmas. This is the good news of Christmas; that God could appear despite all complications – that God is be born into “the mess”.

In my family growing up, it was a logistical nightmare to get all five of us to church (on time!) for the Candlelight Christmas Eve service. By the time we settled into the pew, we were worn out by the frenzy of Christmas preparations. As the lights dim, and the story was retold in music and scripture – it was as if journeyed back to Bethlehem.. but this time, we get a chance to truly receive Him. Stressed out at the start of the worship service, I always left with a new sense of God’s peace and love.
I hope that this Christmas, your heart was also humbled by God’s love for you. We had an incredible offering of music by the Olivet Choir, vocalist Janna Bruno, and guitar/singer Kyle Samilton and his friend from Frostburg State . So many kids and adults participated in the reading of scripture and the retelling of the story. It was a time once more for the Holy Spirit to draw near to us.. and to draws us closer to one another.

May Christ continue to born in us – deepening our love for each other and for God – not just on Christmas but throughout the year ahead.

* Do you find it challenging to fit Santa’s large, jolly persona into humble manger where Christ was born? Invite you to check out the book A Special Place for Santa. It was given to me by Kit and Dave Jones and I really love it! This is an excellent book for any who want to reclaim the sacred meaning of Christmas while at the same time celebrating with a cultural icon. It teaches the lessons of kindness and generosity by retelling the legend of Saint Nicholas who gave to the poor on Christmas day.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When Christmas Includes Cancer... Pray for a Cure

Keeping Christmas Merry can be a source of stress for those who have lost loved ones are who are coping with cancer. People with cancer and their families and friends often approach the holidays with conflicting feelings: excitement, worry, hope, exhaustion, and happiness. Our December 5th worship services will include a time of prayer and healing as a response to the needs of our world. God's incredible love is dwelling among us. No matter what - the hope of Advent is that we can receive the life-giving gift of Jesus Christ today.

PRAY for a Cure..

CANDLE #1 Memory Candle

The first candle we light is the memory candle. Christmas is a time filled with memories of those we love. As we light this candle, lift your candle as you remember someone who wont be with you this Christmas.


Heaven at Last— by Horatius Bonar

Angel voices sweetly singing,

Echoes through the blue dome ringing,

News of wondrous gladness bringing...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Now beneath us all the grieving,

All the wounded spirit's heaving,

All the woe of hopes deceiving...

Ah 'tis heaven at last!

Sin for ever left behind us,

Earthly visions cease to blind us,

Fleshly fetters cease to bind us...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

On the jasper threshold standing,

Like a pilgrim safely landing

See, the strange bright scene expanding...

Ah 'tis heaven at last!

What a city! what a glory!

Far beyond the brightest story

Of the ages old and hoary...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Softest voices silver pealing,

Freshest fragrances spirit-healing,

Happy hymns around us stealing...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Gone the vanity and folly,

Gone the dark and melancholy,

Come the joyous and the holy...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Not a broken blossom yonder,

Not a link can snap asunder,

Stay'd the tempest, sheathed the thunder...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Not a tear-drop ever falleth,

Not a pleasure ever palleth,

Song to song for evercalleth...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Christ Himself the living splendour,

Christ the sunlight mild and tender;

Praises to the Lamb we render...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Now at length the veil is rended,

Now the pilgrimage is ended,

And the saints their thrones ascended...

Ah, 'tis heaven at last!

Broken death's dread bands that bound us,

Life and victory around us,

Christ the King Himself hath crowned us...

Ah,'tis heaven at last!

Candle # 2 Survivors Candle- Conquerors and their Caregivers

The second candle we light is the survivors candle. As we light this candle, lift your candle in honor of someone who has been given the miracle of more time.

So many survivors are thankful for those who stood strong beside them.

So, as we light a candle for survivors may we also recognize the blessing of the strength of caregivers – Caregivers go unrecognized, yet they are survivors too.. Hear these words from the apostle Paul who describes the role of God in the life a caregiver–
“Praise be to the God who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

To my Friend by Beverly Anderson

I stood one day at my wits end-

Then you came in the door, my friend;

And just your very presence brought

A ray of light for which I’d sought.

And as we sat and talked a while,

My frown soon changed into a smile.

New hope sprang forth, dispelling fear,

The path ahead became more clear.

you truly seemed to understand-

Your spoken word; warm clasp of hand

Were what I needed that bleak day,

And I thank God you passed my way.

Now, unafraid, with courage strong

I face each day with joyous song.

And if some day I see a friend

Who stands alone, at his wits end,

I pray that I, to him will be

The caring friend, you were to me.

CANDLE #3 For Those Battling Illness

The third candle is for those who are battling illness this day. As we light this candle,

hold up your candle as an outward expression of holding up their life to the grace of God.

His Everlasting Grace by Dolores Karides

I bow my head in reverence

And repeat my morning prayer,

I know God hears my every work

And keeps me in His care.

He knows when illness threatens me

And when I’m racked with pain,

He knows the hour I need His help

And makes me well again.

He knows my needs before I do

And gives me strength to cope,

He knows my faith in Him is strong

And fills my life with hope.

Then when the daylight dims and fades

I say my evening prayer

And know His love envelops, me,

For He is always there.

Now we invite all who desire prayer to come forward at this time. When you come forward, you may receive the blessing of a prayer with the oil. As people are coming forward, be in prayer for them.

Anointing at altar while song playing on organ, “On Eagles Wings”

Candle #4 Hope;

The last final candle we light is a candle of hope. Let us all hold up our light as we

declare that every battle fought on earth has already been won in heaven, the victory is

already there. For nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

What Cancer Cannot Do Author Unknown
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.

It cannot silence courage.

It cannot reduce eternal life.

It cannot quench the Spirit.

A Life Giving Christmas

A crowd of restless children lined up inside the shopping mall for their annual photo opportunity with Santa Claus. Oddly, a self-conscious 30 year-old woman (without any kids in tow) joined the others in line to sit on Santa’s lap. Now, we all know that Santa doesn't usually take requests from adults, but after waiting in line with children for 20 minutes, Santa didn’t turn her down. She cautiously approached him and asked,
“I know that this is unusual Santa.. but may I give you my Christmas Wish List?”
“Well, sure. Have a seat and tell me what you want for Christmas,” replied Santa. “There is just one thing on my list…Something for my mother,” said the woman sweetly. “Well, that's very loving and thoughtful of you,” smiled Santa,“What do would you like me to bring her?” Without missing a beat she answered quickly, “A son-in-law.”
If only it was that simple, right? Relationships, harmony, peace in our homes and our world – these can’t be bought in a shopping mall.
Last Sunday, everyone at church was invited to answer the question, “What is your deepest hope this Christmas?” Instead of crafting a Christmas Wish List of things that can be bought, we began a church-wide “Hope List” of the deepest longings of our soul.
The Hope List is our first step toward a life-giving Christmas. The Hope List will become our prayer list over these weeks leading up to Christmas. Keeping hope before us stands in contrast to the culture that identifies wishes and wants as the source of a merry holiday. To keep hope before us is how we will focus on Christ this Christmas. Several volunteers will take your individual hopes and turn them into Christmas Ornaments which will decorate the tree in our sanctuary.
Consider the hope of your neighbor. Hold them in prayer. To know each other’s hopes and to support one another in prayer is the first step toward preparing for Christ, rather than just getting ready for a holiday. For these weeks of Advent, let’s keep Hope alive. The full list will be available to each of you – I hope you will incorporate these prayers into your spiritual discipline of daily prayer this Advent season..